Chrome Extensions

Chrome Extensions Six Years Later, 2

We looked at a few Google Chrome Extensions last week that I have been using for a while. BitWarden, Capital One Shopping, Chrome Remote Desktop, and DuckDuckGo Privacy Essentials were briefly examined. I list them alphabetically, not in order of relevance or necessity. You could find all of them to be quite helpful when using…

Just Read

You know the world of Google Chrome Browser Extensions is very large, easy to use but scary to many new users. I thought about writing in regard to one that I have installed recently, really enjoy and use often for you. But first I decided to do a little research into Chrome Extensions. First, a…

Chrome Extensions, Part 6

This week we will continue examining Chrome Extensions.  They will all be related to one item…Google.  Since I have gotten emails thanking me for this series of articles I have bad news for those who liked it, we only have one more to go after this one.  For those of you that were bored that…

Chrome Extensions, Part 5

Thanks to the emails I have received I will continue this week with many of the Google Chrome browser extensions that I like and/or find useful. First this week is the “Email this page (by Google)” extension.  If you use Gmail, which you are since you are using Chrome or you would not be reading…

Chrome Extensions, Part 4

As I start off this week many of you have written me asking about other extensions.  A friend who reads the articles, knowing how I use my computer, suggested I put in more extensions than I had originally planned.  So, today I will continue by showing you the Chrome Browser Extensions I intended to.  However,…

My Chrome Extensions

I have spoken about my favorite current browser before: Google Chrome.  It is still my number one.  I get questions about Chrome Extensions often.  First is usually, "What extensions are available for Chrome?" followed by, "Which ones do you use?"  An extension is an addition to a browser which gives it more functionality to perform…