Google Voice

Over five years ago I wrote an article that told us about how Google had just bought up another small company.  That company was found on the web at and it was evidently called Grand Central.  As the years went on I continued using the program with its new Google branding and it worked…

Christmas Geek Tips

This will be the last you hear from me in the DNR until 2012 so I thought I would give you some Christmas geek tips and sites to tide you over through the holidays. First, I figure a few of my readers are getting new computers for Christmas.  Yes, from your emails I realize some…

Get Connected

OK, the holidays have started and you may be traveling to visit the relatives in a faraway or unfamiliar location. You take your computer so that you can keep up with email, Facebook, your Tweets and your news and sports information.  Gee, first of all what happened to the "good ole days" when you visited…

Gmail Filters

Thanks for the response to last week’s column about Gmail Aliases.  I received a “bunch” of emails regarding that feature.  And, “you are welcome” for pointing out that out to you. I also received a lot of questions from some of you folks who are newer to Gmail about how to set up filters.  So…

Be Careful Out There!

I recently received a distressing email from Barbara, Broadway, VA, about being hacked.  Her email started like this, "Yesterday I got up, turned on my computer, and found that my Gmail had been hacked…"  Once they had her email address it allowed them to gain control of her Facebook account too. Her passwords were not…