Temporary Email Address

Have there been times when you want to sign up for something on the internet but knew once you did you would get "IT?"  You know what "IT" is.  It is tons of spam from some stupid site that looks like it has something you want or need. Sometimes even very reputable sites will start…

Emailed Questions, Part 4

Thanks for all of the emails I have received regarding the last few columns on applications and sites I use. I will answer a few more questions today. I am often asked how I check my email accounts.  Since I probably have many more than the average user I may operate a little differently than…

Emailed Questions, Part 2

Last week I mentioned Chromebooks and Antivirus software.  Today in continuing with sharing emails and answers we look at the following questions. "How often do you run Windows Update, defrag, cleaning, and other computer maintenance?" Wow, huge question with a multitude of answers.  First I suggest for most users you should set windows updates to…

Google Keep

Google Keep

Welcome back to another week of Double Click (now, Gray Haired Tech). I would like to remind you to shoot me an email with your tech/computer questions when you run into them. I am always glad to hear from you guys any time. If you read the column regularly you will know that I have…

Android Factory Reset

Last time we talked about what to do if you could not remember your Android phone’s passcode or pattern.  An email this week stated, "OK, I don’t really use Gmail for much and never log into it."  They then went on to explain that they could not provide adequate information to Google to get their…

Select Text…Maybe

I recently received an email from Bev which at first seemed very strange.  She said, "Recently, when I select a portion of text to change it such as bold it, delete it, etc. — the selection won’t hold."  At first I thought it was just in Word and figured that possibly her Word documents were…