Windows 10 Tips, Part 7

I know that the last column I wrote said it was the end of the Windows 10 Tips series and I did not intend to lie. However, something I said last time caused a few emails that I thought I would mention here. Also, some new information on getting a copy of Windows 10 for…

More Gmail Tricks

From the response about last week’s new, “Scheduled Send” feature in Gmail, I found that many of you are interested in more things in Gmail. By “things”, the word some of you put in your emails I see that you want to find out about features in Gmail you may not have heard of before…

Another Two Bite the Dust

Google told the world on February 12 it will no longer support, wait are ready for it?  If you said, "Picasa" you got it right (  Now I will not yell too loudly about this one since I was not a big Picasa lover.  It seemed a little convoluted to me; however, many people love(d)…

Windows 10, Part 6

Last week we looked at the new Start Menu in Windows 10.  If you read it you know that we only looked at the left side.  Today we venture on to the right side of the menu system in W10. The right side of the start menu may send shivers of fear down your spine. …

Windows 10, Part 5

Starting today we will look at some of the new features found in Windows 10.  The most anticipated addition to Windows 10 (over 8.1) is the Start Menu.  The start menu has had a big change between W8.1 and W10; however, not so great between W7 and W10.   The start menu is accessed through the…

Windows 10, Part 4

Wi-Fi Sense I will continue giving Windows 10 information for the next few weeks. I have received many questions, concerns and requests. So if you have W10 questions (or any tech questions) keep them coming. Today I have one new warning which depending on your point-of-view could be bad. Several weeks ago I wrote about…

Windows 10 build 10061 under the microscope: Can Microsoft hit its summer launch deadline? | ZDNet

The launch deadline for Windows 10 is approaching fast, perhaps only 90 days away. Yesterday’s release of Technical Preview Build 10061 deserves extra scrutiny. Does it inspire confidence in a solid upgrade this summer? Source: Windows 10 build 10061 under the microscope: Can Microsoft hit its summer launch deadline? | ZDNet