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Reader Questions, Part 1

Last week toward the end of the article regarding Google Lens, I stated you need to log into Google Chrome to perform a feature of Lens. That is needed to send text from Lens on your phone to your laptop or desktop. I received a few questions saying that sounds useful, but how do they…


Last time we looked at some of the neat features in Google’s newer device called "Chromecast."  I liked the column so much I went out and bought one for my household.  (Wow, I am easily persuaded.)  It works as described with new features and applications being added all the time.  I did have several reader…

File Encryption

I have had many emails over time about security of thumb drives.  For instance, I sometimes think about what would happen if I accidentally left my thumb drive lying around somewhere. The finder could open my private files on that drive. That used to be a concern, but for many years I have been using…