Interesting Question

Jenny recently wrote to me and asked an interesting question. She said she had searched to see how to best move her old Windows 7 computer to a new Windows 10 laptop. She went on to explain that she wanted to transfer passwords, bookmarks, etc. There are several things I understood from her question. One…

Setup a Gmail Account

OK, I have been reprimanded by Samantha, one of my enthusiastic readers.  She says that I have written about Gmail many times. This includes last week as well as over the years. She is correct. But she went on to explain I have never written about how a person goes about setting up a new…

Weather I’m Right or Weather I’m Wrong

Do you check the weather online? How about on your phone app? Possibly your smart speaker, i.e. Google Home Mini, Amazon Echo Dot, or others that do not have quite the followers? Many still remain loyal to TV, radio and/or newspapers.   Weather is one of the top ten most searched items according to Google’s 2018…

Christmas Notebooks

I have not written about purchasing new computers for Christmas in a while. Ten years to be exact. Why not? There are so many brands, price ranges, different bells and whistles, people’s needs and more. And the, “What should I include in a new one?” question is again…vast. There are way too many choices today….