
I have always been very careful when working on building a new computer.  There are certain things you must do; however, I missed one a couple of weeks ago.  (Geek confession coming up.) Someone came to me and basically said since I am a geek and obviously quite knowledgeable with computers would I totally rebuild…

Good News and a Warning

A few weeks back I wrote about an application you could use to retrieve deleted files from a computer’s drive, SD Card, etc.  This was really highlighted when I got an email from Tom in Harrisonburg, about his adventure with that application, Recuva.  It began with, "I took a deep breath, downloaded, installed and ran…

2014-09-15 Show Notes

The September show is up now.  Not many links today but some good talk and calls.  You can listen to the show here.  Have a great week! Tech NewsMakerBot chief believes self-driving cars will spur a need for 3D-printed organs Self-driving cars are safer by their very nature, since they avoid the mistakes of human…

Things Wanted, Part 4

I never realized the past three articles would provide me with so much email from readers.  So today I will close out the series with one final shot at discussing things people want to know most from me.  One follow up to last week.  I did not recommend the $49 version of various tablets and…

Your Abandoned Smartphone May Betray You

(from TechNewsWorld, http://www.technewsworld.com/) By Richard Adhikari That phone you so callously turned over to another may be harboring some of your secrets — and it may be all too willing to spill its guts. An examination of 20 used phones purchased on eBay turned up more than 1,500 family photos of kids, 750 photos of…

Try a New Browser

Last week I talked about an issue that was happening with Google’s Chromecast and Chrome browser related to Android tablets and phones.  I stated there, "…you could always try various browsers from time-to-time and find out what you may like.  It is easy to change back at any time."  When I wrote that I did…