Pig Scam

Pig Butchering Scams

Guess what? I fell partially for a Pig Butchering Scam a week or two ago. And then again two days later…they are getting popular. It does not involve any bacon, pork, or ham (apart from me) but it is a real threat that you should be aware of. Especially around this time of year. A…

Several Words of Warning

I have noticed a lot of scam emails coming to my inbox lately and thought I should mention a few to you.  Since they could very easily hurt your credit, finances, reputation, etc. you should be aware and very careful. I have received many that were easy to spot.  They were text only, looked very…

Your Abandoned Smartphone May Betray You

(from TechNewsWorld, http://www.technewsworld.com/) By Richard Adhikari That phone you so callously turned over to another may be harboring some of your secrets — and it may be all too willing to spill its guts. An examination of 20 used phones purchased on eBay turned up more than 1,500 family photos of kids, 750 photos of…