Christmas Notebooks

I have not written about purchasing new computers for Christmas in a while. Ten years to be exact. Why not? There are so many brands, price ranges, different bells and whistles, people’s needs and more. And the, “What should I include in a new one?” question is again…vast. There are way too many choices today….

2018-08-20 WSVA Show Notes & Podcast

This week we started with a couple of interesting thoughts. Why is the older generation targeted for scams and “Who guards the guardians?” Should the internet be censored? What do you think about what we thought.  Listen to the Podcast here. Then, due to reader and listener requests, we talked about some of my favorite…

Google Extras

The last three weeks I have been sharing the new Gmail interface from Google. Due to the large number of emails I received, thanking me, discussing and questioning me I thought that you may want some more about Google “stuff.” So today we continue with a couple of more pieces of information about other Google…