Facebook Helps

Toward the end of last month my wife was on Facebook.  For those of you who know her that is not much of a stretch since she regularly enjoys it. She was reading things from her friends, looking at pictures from across the world, looking into unfolding world events, catching up on politics (not), seeing…

What Should I Install?

I regularly receive questions concerning readers buying new computers.  They will usually ask what antivirus software they should install to keep everything protected.  I usually suggest one or two good antivirus applications.  Keep in mind I am only referencing Windows machines and, due to my frugal nature, free applications.  If you have a Windows 7…

What Should I Install?

I regularly receive questions concerning readers buying new computers.  They will usually ask what antivirus software they should install to keep everything protected.  I usually suggest one or two good antivirus applications.  Keep in mind I am only referencing Windows machines and, due to my frugal nature, free applications.  If you have a Windows 7…

2015-03-16 Show Notes

Here are the notes from today’s show. Please enjoy reading, learning and clicking. Also, the podcast is available for you to listen to 365/24/7 so have at it. Ron’s Android App Recommendation (This app can be found on Google Play from your Android phone, tablet or viewed on your PC from the link below.)Gas Buddy…

Google Tricks, Part 3

For the last couple of weeks I have told you about some interesting Google tricks you can do, some helpful, others fun.  Your interest in emails has shown me that you would like a couple more of their tricks, so here we go.  Remember always start on the main Google.com page for these to work. …

Google Tricks, Part 2

Last week we looked at several of Google’s "tricks." Harold, from Broadway, VA was the first to ask about more Google tricks from the many emails I received. So today we will look at a few more useful Google features of which you may be aware. If you are like me you never truly understood…

Google Tricks, Part 1

Looking over my articles, I realized I’ve never written about a few fun — but widely unnecessary — tricks available through Google. Keep in mind, to use each of these tricks, you must start with a fresh Google.com page, not one from a previous search. You can also use the, “I’m Feeling Lucky” search button,…

Bookmark Toolbars

Bookmarks are a great way to keep track of sites you wish to go back to on occasion while online.  If you have not ever used them you should.  Bookmarks have been around since the Mosaic browser started them in 1993.  Do not worry if you have not heard of Mosaic.   It has been gone…