Should I Remove It?

We are getting to that time of year again when people are thinking about buying a new PC for themselves or someone else.  Have no fear; this column is not about "How to find the best $5,000 computer for $14.95."  I stopped writing those articles several years ago since I stopped getting emails requesting them. …

Google Keep

Google Keep

Welcome back to another week of Double Click (now, Gray Haired Tech). I would like to remind you to shoot me an email with your tech/computer questions when you run into them. I am always glad to hear from you guys any time. If you read the column regularly you will know that I have…

Wi-Fi Down?

I go to many coffee shops, restaurants and other businesses which offer free Wi-Fi for their customers.  And yes, sometimes the food is not my favorite and the coffee not the best.  However, since I am a geek and like to have the Wi-Fi I visit and use their establishments anyway.  Throughout time I have…

Multiple Monitors

I had a question come in from Kelly this week about using more than one monitor on their computer.  So what about more than one monitor on your computer is it possible? It is very possible starting with Windows XP Microsoft made it fairly simple to have two monitors, IF you have the available ports…

Gmail Labels

Last week we looked at Gmail’s General Settings.  As a result of your emails, today we move on to Gmail Labels. You get to Labels the same way you got to General Settings last week.  You must first be logged into your Gmail account (  Then look to the upper right corner and hover the…

More to Thrive On

The column about my Toshiba Thrive from last week generated several intriguing emails.  First, "I am looking for a Tablet PC and want to know if you can tell me more about yours?"  Well, I can but I only have so much space in the columns.  You can really find all you need online starting…