So, Why Update ?

So, Why Update ?

I have talked about this before but from what I have read from a few of you…you may not be listening.  The message I have for you is, “UPDATE EVERYTHING!”. I know on the web all caps indicate shouting, but I am shouting to get your attention! What are the dangers of not updating software…

Free Wifi

Practice Safe Public Wi-Fi

After last week’s article regarding “Steps Recorder,” someone asked if there is a way to get more immediate support from a friend or relative for problem resolution? The simple answer is, “Yes!” The more complicated answer is that there are as many ways to do this as Doan’s had pills in the 1940s. But last…

Computer Flicker

Computers On or Off?

There has been an ongoing debate for years regarding this question. “Should I turn my computer off after I use it or leave it on?” Followed by, “Is the answer any different between a laptop and a desktop?” Well, do not worry, as I will not resolve it for you here; however, it is something…

Google, Protect Your Account

Secure Your Google Account

Just think about how much personal information we have stored on our phones and social media profiles these days! We need to make sure that this data is protected. Today, I will help you give your Google account more protection from hackers and malicious access. I will talk about how to use two-step verification and…

Enable Reader Mode

Reader Questions, Part 2

After the article last week on reader questions, I received a few more questions. Kyle emailed and asked about a thing or two he has seen on his Google Chrome Browser. I thought this was a good place to take another look, as everyone will see at least two of them. All three will be…

Recycle Bin

Speed Up Your Windows Computer, Part 1

I get questions regularly about how people’s computers are running slower than they were when they were new. Well, so am I. After a few years, everything slows down a bit. However, with a computer, you have some options to speed them back up. Many times these recommendations will work and then only sometimes well,…

Which Computer Should I Buy?

Which Computer Should I Buy?

For the past several weeks we have been looking at questions I get most often. First it was browsers, then free email accounts, and last week alternatives for Microsoft Office. Today is one that I really dislike answering but often get quizzed on regarding my opinion. What computer should I get to replace my old…

Six most used browsers

Bookmark Your Favorites

There are many questions I get repeatedly asking about several principal things. For the next couple of weeks, I am going to talk to you about them. Since I get those questions, I figure there are other people out there who are interested even though they may not have asked. Today, let’s discuss browsers and…