Security in the Cloud

I was talking to my friend and realtor, Chris Rooker of Kline May Realty, about security of documents in the "Cloud".  I presented him with a thought that I voice often and that is, at this point in time, I do not put anything confidential online; including in my emails and online storage.  Never do…

Google Calendar Sync

I do not like to write columns that relate to only a small segment of my readers but sometimes it is necessary.  Because of email requests these things pop up from time to time.  I have received several requests about this over the last couple of months.  So today I will explain an online application…

Have Some Fun

First today I would like to thank all of you who read and applied what you learned from last week’s column.  It was regarding the cloud storage platform  Because some of you used the link I mentioned, I gained an additional 2 GB of storage.  They have a maximum of 8 GB allowed free…

File Storage in the Clouds

I often receive questions about where you can save your documents in the cloud (online).  In the past I have written about and Google Docs.  However, I have found another one which, I believe is even better.  Over the past several months I have started to depend on With Dropbox you get 2GB…