Clean sweep

Computer Audit

You know, many years ago, I was a banker. Every year, we went through a couple of audits. They were always nerve-racking. Not due to anything done disreputable but because you knew those people were pros at dotting the “i” and crossing the “t” to the Nth degree. Because of a conversation Jim Britt and…

Wrong way to clean smartphone

Spring Cleaning for your notebook, phone, etc…

Last week we took a look at doing some spring cleaning on your desktop computer. This week: other devices. DO NOT take your notebook apart unless you know what you are doing. Notebooks can benefit from opening them up and blowing air in them to clear the dust, dirt, and other stuff out. I have,…

Emailed Questions, Part 2

Last week I mentioned Chromebooks and Antivirus software.  Today in continuing with sharing emails and answers we look at the following questions. "How often do you run Windows Update, defrag, cleaning, and other computer maintenance?" Wow, huge question with a multitude of answers.  First I suggest for most users you should set windows updates to…

Decrapify Your Computer

Last week I mentioned a friend whose computer was struggling through a major malware and viral infection.  I had several readers write to ask, what was done to resolve it and even more importantly how to stop a reoccurrence of the same problems.  To resolve it I installed Avast! for antivirus protection and Malwarebytes to…

PC Spring Cleaning, Part 3

The last two weeks we looked at some of the ways you need to physically clean your computer for spring or any other time of the year. Today we will clean your computer’s software. First, make sure that you are regularly checking your Operating Systems upgrades, i.e. HaWindows 7, 8.1, etc.  Yes, you may have…

PC Spring Cleaning, Part 2

Last week we started looking at spring cleaning your PC.  We will continue this week with monitors, notebooks and tablets. Get a soft lint-free cloth.  Use a microfiber cloth like you could use to clean you glasses and maybe some Isopropyl alcohol.  Do not get any abrasive cleaners, glass cleaners (including none of the blue…

PC Spring Cleaning, Part 1

I realized several weeks ago that I had never provided you with a Spring Cleaning plan for your computer.  So guess what?  Today we start cleaning your system for better performance. The first thing you want to do is to unplug your computer.  This includes the power, speakers, keyboard, printer, thumb drive, wireless mouse connectors…