Which Computer Should I Buy?

Which Computer Should I Buy?

For the past several weeks we have been looking at questions I get most often. First it was browsers, then free email accounts, and last week alternatives for Microsoft Office. Today is one that I really dislike answering but often get quizzed on regarding my opinion. What computer should I get to replace my old…

Read to Me

I have recently had to read many many websites online for some training I am taking. I discovered something. That discovery was that reading page after page of detailed technical jargon, especially without pictures, is a really long read. So, after a few days of reading and note taking, I discovered something else. That is…

Emailed Questions, Part 1

Today I will look at a few questions I have recently received starting with one regarding last week’s Chromebook article. I have always thought it funny when you write one thing and get totally different responses.  From the Chromebook discussion last week I received the following two statements. First is, “[on] your assertion of Chromebooks…

A Few Questions Answered

There are several things I have written about through the years which I get questioned about regularly.  I thought today we would look at a few that have evolved into something more as well as some that have vanished from the e-landscape. One of them was a site with some fun, soothing sounds.  It is…


Last time we looked at some of the neat features in Google’s newer device called "Chromecast."  I liked the column so much I went out and bought one for my household.  (Wow, I am easily persuaded.)  It works as described with new features and applications being added all the time.  I did have several reader…


This is a very popular way to convert your "almost" smart TV into a fairly intelligent one…at a very low cost. If you have not heard about it yet the item is called Chromecast which was developed by Google. It is a dongle…STOP!  Some of you may need to know what a dongle is so…