Chrome vs. Edge vs. Firefox

Chrome vs. Edge vs. Firefox

When it comes to choosing a web browser, it’s like picking your favorite ice cream flavor—everyone has their preference, and they’re all a bit different. Let’s dive into the world of Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, and Mozilla Firefox (4.05) to see what sets them apart. You have read my ariticles here before so you know…

Google 2FA Phone Approval

Google Chrome’s New Password Manager and 2FA

Google’s new password manager is a free service that allows you to store, generate, and autofill your passwords across all of your devices. It is easy to use and very secure. The previous version they had until the last month or so was not all that secure. To use it, go to “chrome://password-manager/passwords” and sign in…

Chrome Extensions

Chrome Extensions Six Years Later, 2

We looked at a few Google Chrome Extensions last week that I have been using for a while. BitWarden, Capital One Shopping, Chrome Remote Desktop, and DuckDuckGo Privacy Essentials were briefly examined. I list them alphabetically, not in order of relevance or necessity. You could find all of them to be quite helpful when using…

Chrome Extensions

Chrome Extensions Six Years Later, 1

Recently, I’ve received emails from people wondering what nice Chrome Extensions they should occasionally use. Over six years ago, I wrote a thorough series about them at But today, I thought I’d respond to some questions I’ve lately received regarding the ones I like best, right now, and what they do. Let’s start by…

Enable Reader Mode

Reader Questions, Part 2

After the article last week on reader questions, I received a few more questions. Kyle emailed and asked about a thing or two he has seen on his Google Chrome Browser. I thought this was a good place to take another look, as everyone will see at least two of them. All three will be…

Thanks again result

More than Flags in Chrome

Last week we looked at how to “Flag” the Google Chrome browser and I told you this week we would have some more Chrome tips. Also, thanks to several of you who emailed thanking me for those flags and a couple of you added some that you use and enjoy. Today, something that Chrome has…