Android & Google Enter Texting

Since 2014 I have written about and several times mentioned a browser add-on called Mighty Text ( Then just this last March, I wrote about another one called TextTo ( which is now known as Send Leap ( They both continue to function well; however, there is another and possibly better kid on the block….

Facebook Messenger

A couple of years ago I wrote about Facebook. I have written about it several times over the years. In my reviews, I am not always complimentary. To me, it is a very unorganized mass of information. The posts are rearranged in some unknown manner that is only understood by the Facebook developers resulting in…

Google Makes Some Changes

If you have followed my articles through the past 15 or so years, you’d realize that I have a love/hate relationship with Google. OK, it’s mostly love, but sometimes they really antagonize me. Today, I have two Google changes for you: one insignificant and the other very significant. First up is the one that will…