How to Protect You, Yours, and Your Stuff

How to Protect You, Yours, and Your Stuff

Since society has changed significantly over the past few years, I have a few suggestions for you. Here are some ways you can protect your physical items, like a bicycle, phone, or car, from theft today, electronically and physically. If you are looking for a way to protect your belongings and keep track of your…

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For, the past 18 years plus I have been Double Click here at the Daily News-Record and many other places online. I have recently decided to create a change, the reason for the David Bowie quote from 1971, “Ch-Ch-Ch-Changes.” At this point I will still be known as Ron Doyle, Double Click at the DNR;…

Should I Remove It?

We are getting to that time of year again when people are thinking about buying a new PC for themselves or someone else.  Have no fear; this column is not about "How to find the best $5,000 computer for $14.95."  I stopped writing those articles several years ago since I stopped getting emails requesting them. …