2017 Sites in Review, Part 2

  Today I will continue with the start of the 16th year of “Double Click” by providing more of last year’s links.  If the site addresses are too long for print, I have shortened them using the “bit.ly” app.  The links are preceded by “rd.dblclx.com” followed by various letters and numbers.  Copy them, then paste…

Map Follow Up

Last week’s column generated a lot of email questions and comments.  I did not realize there were a lot of Google Maps and Waze users out there.  Some people had never heard of Waze and now are trying it out.  Let me know how you like or dislike it as you experiment.  One person brought…

Android Apps, Part 3

For the last two weeks I wrote about some Android apps I use on my tablet and phone.  After the last one I received several emails asking what games I play on my Android devices.  Well, I am a modern business person and have no time for such absurdities.  OK, don’t tell my boss, but…