Chrome vs. Edge vs. Firefox

Chrome vs. Edge vs. Firefox

When it comes to choosing a web browser, it’s like picking your favorite ice cream flavor—everyone has their preference, and they’re all a bit different. Let’s dive into the world of Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, and Mozilla Firefox (4.05) to see what sets them apart. You have read my ariticles here before so you know…

Six most used browsers

Bookmark Your Favorites

There are many questions I get repeatedly asking about several principal things. For the next couple of weeks, I am going to talk to you about them. Since I get those questions, I figure there are other people out there who are interested even though they may not have asked. Today, let’s discuss browsers and…

Try a New Browser

Last week I talked about an issue that was happening with Google’s Chromecast and Chrome browser related to Android tablets and phones.  I stated there, "…you could always try various browsers from time-to-time and find out what you may like.  It is easy to change back at any time."  When I wrote that I did…

Android Browsers

Last week I wrote about the browser I favor most.  I received many emails from folks telling me their thoughts on the matter.  Thanks for the emails as I always appreciate hearing from you!  There was a repeated theme from those emails regarding my favorite Android browser.  This demonstrated to me that you readers know…

My Favored Browser

Apparently there are a few of you getting new computers for Christmas.  (Do not let the kids read this if they do not know about it.)  I have received many questions about what to do to set them up.  I have several suggestions; however, one of the best I have written about before.  If you…