Avast, me Hearties!

Although I have been and still am a fan of the Avast! antivirus application (avast.com) I recently stumbled onto something interesting.  I have always used the free version of Avast and it has worked quite well.  Since it is free you do get popups occasionally suggesting you try to better clean up your computer.  If…

Emailed Questions, Part 1

Today I will look at a few questions I have recently received starting with one regarding last week’s Chromebook article. I have always thought it funny when you write one thing and get totally different responses.  From the Chromebook discussion last week I received the following two statements. First is, “[on] your assertion of Chromebooks…

Decrapify Your Computer

Last week I mentioned a friend whose computer was struggling through a major malware and viral infection.  I had several readers write to ask, what was done to resolve it and even more importantly how to stop a reoccurrence of the same problems.  To resolve it I installed Avast! for antivirus protection and Malwarebytes to…

What Should I Install?

I regularly receive questions concerning readers buying new computers.  They will usually ask what antivirus software they should install to keep everything protected.  I usually suggest one or two good antivirus applications.  Keep in mind I am only referencing Windows machines and, due to my frugal nature, free applications.  If you have a Windows 7…

What Should I Install?

I regularly receive questions concerning readers buying new computers.  They will usually ask what antivirus software they should install to keep everything protected.  I usually suggest one or two good antivirus applications.  Keep in mind I am only referencing Windows machines and, due to my frugal nature, free applications.  If you have a Windows 7…

2014 in Review, Part 2

This week I will continue with the second half of the links we talked about last year at DoubleClicks.info. Remember, if the site addresses are too long to type I have shortened them with bit.ly.  Here they are in their order of appearance with short descriptions of each. CNet and Download (both part of CBS…

New Computer, Part 2

Last week I told you about Ninite.com for your new computer.  I received several emails asking what other applications I would install on a new Windows computer.  My first "have to have" application is anti-virus software.  I suggest initially what probably comes free with your new computer. However, after the free six or twelve month…