More Android Apps

Thank you for all of the emails over the last couple of weeks regarding the past year in review.  Keep in mind you can find all the articles online at and my site, if you want to catch up. Many emails asked about the Android Market link (  Before starting you should note…

Resuscitating the Quick Launch Toolbar in Windows 7

Last week I wrote about two Menu Applications for Windows operating systems.  I specifically mentioned Windows Vista and 7 but those two apps will work on most any of them.  They were “Desktop Sidebar” and “RocketDock“.  Check last week’s Double Click for more details. I also mentioned bringing the Windows’ “Quick Launch Toolbar” that many…

Windows Live Essentials

Last week I mentioned that Family Safety is one of the applications you get if you choose to install Windows Live Essentials (WLE). Here is a very short description of all the apps which come with a full installation of WLE. If any of them sound appealing try it, if not ignore them. First go…

2011-01-17 Show Notes

Here you go, the links we talked about this morning on the call in show.  Try them out, enjoy them and let me know what you think. Have a great day! Security Essentials Get high-quality, hassle-free antivirus protection for your home or small business PC now. It’s from Microsoft and works great per all…