2022 Sites in Review, Part 2

2022 Sites in Review, Part 2

Here is the second part of all the sites we visited last year. Once again, if the site addresses are too long for print, I have shortened them using my “ghtech.site” predecessor. There will be other characters after that lead, without spaces and capitalization counts. Copy them in their entirety to your browser’s address bar…

Second Group of the 10 Best Apps for a New Computer

The 10 Best Apps for a New Computer, Part 2

Last week I looked at the first of the best ten apps I consider should be added to a new computer. I gave you information about Ninite, Google Chrome Browser, BitWarden, (or LastPass), and Malwarebytes. By-the-way, just as in the last article, here I have indicated the applications that can be installed using Ninite.com. Ninite…

Ron's Thumb Drive

Thumb Drives

Do you have a data stick, key chain drive, jump drive, pen drive, thumb drive, USB flash drive, or any other name you may have heard of for a portable storage device? My preference is “thumb drive,” so that is what I will stick with here. A thumb drive is a portable device that can…

2019 Sites in Review, Part 2

OK, for all of you hardcore fans…here is the second part of all the sites we visited last year. Once again, if the site addresses are too long for print, I have shortened them using my "dblclx.com" predecessor.  They will be continuous characters without spaces and capitalization counts. Copy them in their entirety and then…

PC Spring Cleaning, Part 3

The last two weeks we looked at some of the ways you need to physically clean your computer for spring or any other time of the year. Today we will clean your computer’s software. First, make sure that you are regularly checking your Operating Systems upgrades, i.e. HaWindows 7, 8.1, etc.  Yes, you may have…

My New Tablet

About two years ago I wrote in regard to buying my first tablet, a Toshiba Thrive.  Well time has continued on as it usually does and I have come to the point where I needed a replacement.  So I have recently purchased a Nexus 7 by Google.  Yes, I know I have not been extremely…

Office 2013–Word

So I made the plunge recently and moved to Microsoft’s latest Office version which is blandly, yet I guess appropriately named "Office 2013."  So far my evaluation leans toward… "Yawn."  It performs as well as the previous version in most areas I have checked,  looks a little different,  saves to the cloud a little easier, …