USB in computer

Thumb Drives for Applications and Storage

Installing applications and operating systems both on thumb drives, also known as USB drives, can be a risky endeavor. You may worry about data corruption and storage limits, while also questioning if the drive will last. Your hard drives are a critical component of your systems, and with internet speeds increasing, you want to be…

Dictation recorder

Robot Writers

I have been a tech geek for many years. I have also been waiting for things guaranteed to me as a kid. They were supposed to be here by the year 2000. You know, flying cars and self-driving cars. Of course, we now have both to a very limited extent. As an adult geek, I…


Nope, I am not referring to a car, a new superhero movie or a cheap wine.  I am however talking about one of the better applications out there.  It is cross platform meaning it is available for Linux, Windows and Mac computer operating systems. However, at this time it is not available for iPhones or…


Here is one update to the last two columns I wrote about Google Maps and Waze for Android devices.  Guess what?  Waze released a new version of its excellent product.  It has a couple of nice new features but mostly it was cosmetic with a few navigational changes.  I believe it looks better, is quicker…

I Took One for the Team

It finally happened to me, the tech "professional."  After years of reading, writing, researching, testing and reporting on technology and applications I got in trouble. When I suggest software to you I have always tested the applications or sites that I recommended before telling you about them.  In testing software applications I test them in…

Go Different Waze

Last week I mentioned a trip to the "big city" and using my GPS.  So today, back to my big city experience.  I was going somewhere and had just reinstalled Waze.  I was also running the family GPS.  They both directed me the exact same way on my 25 mile/35 minute trip.  About three quarters…

Glympse or Waze

A few weeks ago I was on a trip out of town in a large city I did not know very well.  I used our family Garmin GPS to navigate around town.  It worked as it should but I kept getting into big traffic jams.  There are two excellent apps I have used on my…