2015-02-16 Show Notes

Here are the Monday morning links and podcast if you missed it live. Have a great day and see you next time. Tech NewsWindows 10 is a free upgrade for all 7 and 8.1 users Engadget.com Wondering how much Windows 10 will set you back? In most cases, nothing. Microsoft has announced that the new…

2014 in Review, Part 2

This week I will continue with the second half of the links we talked about last year at DoubleClicks.info. Remember, if the site addresses are too long to type I have shortened them with bit.ly.  Here they are in their order of appearance with short descriptions of each. CNet and Download (both part of CBS…

Try a New Browser

Last week I talked about an issue that was happening with Google’s Chromecast and Chrome browser related to Android tablets and phones.  I stated there, "…you could always try various browsers from time-to-time and find out what you may like.  It is easy to change back at any time."  When I wrote that I did…

Get Help, Join Me

Last week we looked at "Windows Remote Assistance" to see how you could give or receive help with your computer issues.  It works well but as I said there are drawbacks in that you need to be going from a Windows to a Windows computer and could not link with a Mac or Ubuntu (Linux)…

Get Help, Windows Remote Assistance

After the column last week about "Problem Steps Recorder" Andy emailed from Waynesboro, VA and asked an interesting question.  He was wondering if there is a program that allows him to give a "fix it" person access to his computer to repair it from long-distance.  He had heard of large computer manufacturers logging into home…

Take a Tablet

During the summer months I wrote several articles regarding e-book readers in general and more specifically Barnes and Noble’s Nooks (www.bn.com).  They are both great to have if you are a reader; however, something different has come to my attention. I was very happy to receive a gift of a tablet PC and I have…

To iPad or not to iPad

I say, “Not”!  And this article from TechRepublic writer, Debra Littlejohn Shinder gives my reasoning exactly.  I am especially in agreement with the even numbered items in the list. I would add an 11th reason to the mix and that is I never want the first version of anything.  That includes tech stuff, cars, phones,…