2015-08-17 Show Notes

Had several callers and lots of talk.  I hope you didn’t miss it.  WSVA has changed ownership and the new podcast format is not ready for prime time, so it is not currently available.  Hopefully next month.  Enjoy the notes from today. Ron’s Android App Recommendation (This app can be found on Google Play from…

Tech Christmas, Part 2

Last week, I suggested a few techie Christmas gifts. Some readers requested a few more; so, they are as follow. Let’s start on a slightly different foot. This is similar to the musical cards that play songs or prerecorded messages when opened, but it’s a little different. At spreengs.com, users can create their own video…

Tech Christmas, Part 1

Wearable Tech is one of those technology terms that makes some sense.  It is a technology device that you wear like clothes or jewelry.  However, it does more than just look pretty.  Here are a couple of the more popular items that seem to be making lots of news (or advertising) this time of year….

2012 Sites in Review, Part 2

As I stated last week, I annually provide links to all of the sites we have visited throughout the previous year at DoubleClicks.info. Remember, if the site addresses are too long to type I have shortened them with bit.ly.  Here they are in their order of appearance with short descriptions of each. Google Calendar –…