2021 Sites in Review, Part 2

2021 Sites in Review, Part 2

Here is the second part of all the sites we visited last year. If you missed the first part, check it out here. Once again, if the site addresses are too long for print, I have shortened them using my “ghtech.site” predecessor. They will be continuous characters after that lead without spaces and capitalization counts….

A Flashback and the Future

Before I start on today’s column I have a little flashback to last week.  I mentioned other voice recognition apps like Office’s new Dictate.ms last week.  I received an email from a couple of readers last week chatting about Google Docs.  Yes, Google Docs has speech-to-text capabilities also.   However, I have never tested it.  I…

Office – Which Office?

I received a great question today from one of my regular readers and writers, so thanks Ivan for turning me around.  I was going to have an entirely different theme today but it will have to wait. Ivan asked, "What choices do I have beside Microsoft Office to install on my computer?"  I thought that…

Join Me

Several weeks ago I was technologically surprised by a non-geek.  Over the phone, a good friend of mine and I were discussing a problem with his home PC.  For some strange reason he could not get a particular Microsoft Excel formula to work properly.  At work I use an application that must first be installed…