Anyone with a medical condition should have some form of medical ID on them.  In the event you are incapacitated you want the rescue squad to know you are a Type 1 diabetic (like me), epileptic, asthmatic and or any of the other "…tics" out there.  It can only help them and you!

Last year I wrote about how I created my own, "MedicAlert" dog tags and received lot of emails about them.  Some of you thought they were a good idea…others not so good.  I have continued using them until the last couple of weeks.

I was looking online for something better than what I had.  My dog tag had basic contact information on it along with a website URL where all of my medical info could be obtained.  That is a fine idea but what if the rescue people find me where there is no internet connection and they can’t get to my webpage? 

Well, I found something online that takes care of that "lack of internet" problem.  Quite honestly, I wish I had created this device and could have; however, I didn’t.  The site is called TAC Drive ( and includes the best of all worlds as far as I am concerned.  

imageTAC Drives are almost identical in size to a regular dog tag, though thicker.  You can have contact information engraved on them just like I had with my old tags.  Mine has my name, my medical condition, my wife’s contact info and my two doctors’ names and phone numbers. 

So now you are thinking, "Okay, what’s the big deal?  You had all of that before."  The big deal is the 0.25 inch thickness which contains a thumb drive.   The drive portion of the TAC Drive holds software that has all of your medical information on it.  You can put anything medically relevant on it:  all of your ICEs (In Case of Emergency contacts), any medications, your doctors, (their names, addresses, phone numbers, email addresses, etc.) and a whole lot more. 

The medical information only takes up a small portion of the thumb drive space so you can also store other files on it.  The TAC Drive’s storage sizes range from 1GB to 8GB and prices are $20 – $55 which is very reasonable for what you get.  You can add other files to the drive, encrypt those files and with a premium account upload those files to the internet for backups.  They also come in several different colors and there are a couple of exterior designs to choose from.

So The one that Ron time you are in a situation where this information is needed the rescue person can see your contact info on the outside of the TAC Drive. They can obtain all the necessary information when they plug the drive into their computer. 

In 500 words I cannot tell you enough good about these devices.  Email or call the support people and they will be more than happy to answer any questions you may have, as they were for me.  If you need something like this I highly recommend you get to, choose the one you want and update your medical information quickly.

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