Recycle Bin

I get questions regularly about how people’s computers are running slower than they were when they were new. Well, so am I. After a few years, everything slows down a bit. However, with a computer, you have some options to speed them back up. Many times these recommendations will work and then only sometimes well, it may be time for a new computer. Let us look today at a few very useful suggestions to speed up your aged computer. (Maybe a year or five years old depending on how much you use it.)

Recycle BinFirst, you want to delete old files that you do not need. You can easily start with the Recycle Bin and your download folder. You can right click on the Recycle Bin and choose “Empty Recycle Bin.” Keep in mind this is not a place to store files you may need one day. That is why is it designed as a trash can. Empty your trash regularly. I delete mine every day, but I am a little OCD on keeping my computer clean. Although, not my office. Open your download folder and empty it out. Again, this is temporary storage to serve as a place to store files you download, and then remove or put in the proper place to keep them. My Documents, maybe?

Next, there is a way to empty those areas, others and files that you never think about. Those files are temp files that Windows leaves behind and are never used again. There is no need for them. To get rid of them, the easiest way is to open “My PC” or “This PC.” Click on the Widows Start button and type either, and when you see a match, click it. When that opens right-click on the C: drive and choose Properties. Then choose “Disk Cleanup” and let it run. Once it finishes, after a few seconds, minutes or tens of minutes depending on when you ran it last, it is suggested you check the box labeled “Clean up system files.” Then run it again, times may vary again, this step will search for your old Windows update installation files that are no longer needed. Once finished this time – check all of the small boxes and then “OK” and “Delete files.” Let it rip. None of these files affect your files on your computer that are needed. Do this if you choose but it may help you speed up your computer and it will not hurt your PC in any way.

Next, click again on your Windows Start button and type “Background apps” and click it when it appears. These are applications that run in the background all the time. They set many that way when you install them. You can cut off any application that you do not use often or even if you do, it will not hurt. It will speed up your PC slightly since they can be cut off and not run in the background. For instance, I do not use Cortana, so I cut that one off here. I also do not need the calculator, Get Help, Xbox, 3D printer, and others. So, I cut those off and others to stop them in the background sucking up processor speed. If I want to use any of those like the calculator that I often use I click on it to start it as normal. It may take a fraction of a second longer to start (which my brain and most likely yours will not notice) but it works as usual.

Try the ones I mention here if you wish. Stay tuned for more next time.

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