June 25 Travels

Last week we

…looked at how Google tracks you. Keep in mind that most of this happens when you are logged in with your Google account on your phone or browser. Most Google users do this.

Last week I mentioned if your Google account was set up before this summer they keep your information indefinitely. If after this time, they will delete all of your data by default in 18 months. How can you control that with an older account or change either?

First, log in at your main Google Account page located at, “myaccount.google.com.” Then across the top menu select, “Data & personalization.” On this page select, “Web & Activity.” It will most likely be checked to “On.” Before you cut it off, click on the arrow to the right and read what it is tracking. To see how often yours is set to delete your info, click the “Auto-delete” arrow. Choose the setting you like most: Never delete, Delete after three months, or Delete after 18 months.

But if you do not ever want them to save it? Navigate back to the Data & personalization page. For any of Web & Activity, Location History, and/or YouTube History, uncheck the ON checkboxes. You will get an explanation of what you could be missing if you cut them off.

Mine is set to all being on; with three months for Web & Apps along with YouTube History. Only Location History is set to never delete data.

June 25 Travels
June 25 Travels provided by Google Timeline

YouTube and Maps

Sometimes I want to see what site I looked at online a few weeks ago or revisit a fairly recent YouTube video for assistance. With those settings, it works out fine. For places I have traveled to I want to be able to look around and see where my wife and I have been. Whether it be from Harrisonburg to Richmond or Harrisonburg to Puerto Rico it is in my Google Map History. If you want a quick link to your map history use this link, google.com/maps/timeline.

There is one thing Google’s Timeline does not have that it should. If I want to see when I last visited my relatives in Va. Beach, VA, or Fairmont, WV, I think I should be able to type in their address or city and see the date(s) I was there. However, that cannot be done right now. I have to have a guess of the date I was there and then “look around” to find it. Check below to see the video I did showing you how to use this. 

Fight Back?

You may have Google set to not track you online but Google has acknowledged that they can track your physical location even if you have cut their permissions off. They can use data gotten from Wi-Fi and wireless signals wherever your phone may be…whether you are signed in to your Google account or not. Facebook has done the same thing for years.

The last thing today is even if they only have your data for a day, they can squeeze any data they need and send it out to their clients. That way you are categorized as to what you like to eat, buy, wear, browse, and travel. Google is free to us but makes a lot of money by selling your data which you permitted them to do when you signed up. You did not read the small print, did you?

Is there a real way to stop all of this? Yes, shut your phone down, do not use your computer and toss them both. Sure you will.

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