Someone sent me a site with an interestingly appropriate name, but you probably will not believe it.  Once you hear about it you may say, "That is really a very intelligent site."  Of course, you may also respond, "Ron is really weird!"  But either is OK with me…just read on.

First, I need to give you a little history on the "why" of this site.  I, along with many of my readers judging by the emails I receive, like going to movies on occasion.  Since my kids have grown up and left the nest, my wife and I have more time (and very slightly more money) to see movies at the Regal 14.  I won’t give you any more information than you need; however, occasionally when we go to a movie I may need to get up to, ah, you know, go get a popcorn and drink refill.  I never want to run out of the movie because I might miss something important.  Therefore, I wait…

Now enter, Run Pee (  Just as the name suggests, it lets you know when it is safe to run and well, you guessed it; go get a drink and popcorn refill.  Run Pee has a classy mission statement, "- to help you enjoy your movie going experience and relieve your bladder at the same time".  I told you…classy!

imageLet’s say for instance, you want to go see "The Expendables."  If you go to and look in the listing to the left you can see movie lists by date of release or the movie titles.  All you do is click the link for "The Expendables" and you get a page that loads saying the movie is 1 hour, 43 minutes long.   After that movie’s information loads you will see a timeline at the top of that section.  The timeline shows good times to leave the movie at 26, 48, 65 minutes into the movie.  

It also shares information on each "good time" to leave the movie.  At the 26 minute point it says to leave when, "Barney and Christmas are in the plane heading to scout the island."  It goes on to tell you that you have approximately 4 minutes to get back so you will not miss anything.

Run Pee gives you the option of clicking, "Click to view synopsis" for that time-marker; however, it may give away important details about that part of the movie – so proceed at your own risk.

If you try it out let me know what you think.

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