Complex Passwords
Not this type of passkey

If you’re tired of remembering long and complex passwords, there’s good news for you: passkeys are here! Passkeys are a newer way to sign in to apps and websites, and they are both easier and more secure than passwords. They have been around a couple of years. They include 2FA but some could be even more secure than that. We will take a look at what passkeys are, their history, current uses, and why you should use them.

Passkeys are not hardware related, i.e., no physical key, they are digital and held on your computer for you to use. One type of them is 2 Factor Authenticators. But I have talked about them plenty in the past. Enjoy life and do not worry too much. Just “Just think before you click a link.” That line did not come from me, I heard it on one of the podcasts I listen to…but it is great advice.

Passkeys are a type of authentication technology designed to replace passwords. Unlike passwords, which you have to remember and type in manually, passkeys let you sign in to apps and sites the same way you unlock your devices with a fingerprint, a face scan, or a screen lock PIN. This means that you don’t have to worry about forgetting your password ever again!

Passwords have been in use for thousands of years as a means of authenticating people. They were used in military contexts to separate friends from foes. But with computers, passwords became the only way to identify who should have access to various computer systems, and who should not. Over time, the need for more secure passwords has become essential, which is why passkeys were invented.

Bad guys could be watching you
Bad guys could be watching you

Passkeys are a major step toward a “passwordless” future. Google, Apple, Microsoft, and the FIDO Alliance (Fast IDentity Online, have started to support passkeys to make signing in easier and more secure. For instance, Google Accounts support passkeys, and they are available for use on all major platforms. Other services, such as DocuSign and OKTA, have also deployed passkey experiences to streamline sign in for their users.

Passkeys are more secure than passwords because they are resistant to online attacks like phishing, making them more secure than things like SMS one-time codes. With passkeys, you can sign in to apps and websites quickly and easily, so you do not have to remember long complex strings of characters. Passkeys are also an excellent way to safeguard your accounts against hackers, as they are much harder to crack than traditional passwords.

Verify Passcode
Verify Passcodes

In conclusion, passkeys are an excellent alternative to passwords and are both easier and more secure. If you’re tired of remembering long passwords and want to increase the security of your accounts, then using passkeys may be just what you need. So go ahead and try them out! It’s time to say goodbye to passwords and hello to passkeys.

They are easier to use and more secure than passwords, so users no longer need to rely on the names of pets, birthdays, or the infamous, “password123.” Instead, passkeys provide a secure and convenient way to sign in to apps and websites.

Complex Passwords
Complex Passwords

In conclusion, passkeys are a newer way to sign in to apps and websites. They are safer and simpler than passwords, requiring only a fingerprint, a face scan, a screen lock PIN, or 2FA. Passkeys are resistant to online attacks, making them more secure than traditional passwords. They are currently available for Google Accounts and many other sites, with more being added daily.

Passcode Pairing Request
Passcode Pairing Request

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