Have Some Fun

First today I would like to thank all of you who read and applied what you learned from last week’s column.  It was regarding the cloud storage platform Dropbox.com.  Because some of you used the link I mentioned, I gained an additional 2 GB of storage.  They have a maximum of 8 GB allowed free…

File Storage in the Clouds

I often receive questions about where you can save your documents in the cloud (online).  In the past I have written about Mesh.com and Google Docs.  However, I have found another one which, I believe is even better.  Over the past several months I have started to depend on Dropbox.com. With Dropbox you get 2GB…

Advanced Screenshots

I had quite a few emails after the screenshot column last week about the print screen key.  Thanks for emailing me and please keep them coming!  A couple of them inspired this column.  Send them to me any time… they often make great columns. You will not usually see extremely specific questions answered here since…


I had a great email from AP telling me about someone teaching her a great windows feature this week.  I thought I had written about this hidden feature long ago.  In searching through all of my columns I found that I had not, so today we will take a look. You know how it works……

To iPad or not to iPad

I say, “Not”!  And this article from TechRepublic writer, Debra Littlejohn Shinder gives my reasoning exactly.  I am especially in agreement with the even numbered items in the list. I would add an 11th reason to the mix and that is I never want the first version of anything.  That includes tech stuff, cars, phones,…

Mouse Rugs

Several weeks ago I commented about wireless mice.  Since then I have received a surprising number of emails with regards to mice.  The major one seems to be that some people think the blue light laser mice work great on glass and an equal number say they do not.  Since I do not have one…

Facebook Email Warning!

If you read the column regularly you will know that I occasionally give you general warnings about viruses, scams, etc.  However, there is one running like crazy right now that I feel I need to talk about.  I interrupted the regularly scheduled column this week to let you know about it. A lot of my…

Slideshow Wallpaper

Many of you had questions and suggestions about Windows 7 after last week’s column.  Thanks for asking them!  And no, that is not all I will be writing about now.  Since it is the newest and one of the most popular Windows operating systems I will talk about it from time-to-time.  I do realize that…

Windows 7 Thoughts

I have been written to by several of the "Double Click" readers as to why I have not mentioned Microsoft Windows 7 very often.  The answer is that there are about 50 bazillion other geeks out there, who have written about it relentlessly since it rolled out to the public in October, 2009.  I figured…