Emailed Questions, Part 3

For the past two weeks I have answered questions which I regularly receive from readers.  There have been more emails so this week is part three of answers I have given and what I have suggested. Many people ask, “What is the best browser to use on a PC?”  This is an extremely hard question…

Emailed Questions, Part 2

Last week I mentioned Chromebooks and Antivirus software.  Today in continuing with sharing emails and answers we look at the following questions. "How often do you run Windows Update, defrag, cleaning, and other computer maintenance?" Wow, huge question with a multitude of answers.  First I suggest for most users you should set windows updates to…

Emailed Questions, Part 1

Today I will look at a few questions I have recently received starting with one regarding last week’s Chromebook article. I have always thought it funny when you write one thing and get totally different responses.  From the Chromebook discussion last week I received the following two statements. First is, “[on] your assertion of Chromebooks…

Chromebook Update

Over time I have received emails asking about Chromebooks.  I wrote about mine when I got it almost two years ago.  Since the emails keep coming there must be interest in them.  This is not hard to imagine since they are a very good deal for many people. Here is a very quick rundown of …

Windows 10, Part 3

Here are a few more features for Windows 10 that we did not talk about last week.  First today is "Cortana." You may already be familiar with some of its ancestors, Siri, on the Apple platform and "OK, Google" on Android devices.  It was named after Cortana, for all of you non-gamers out there, an…

Windows 10, Part 2

Last week we looked at Windows 10 requirements and a few other housekeeping tasks regarding getting it for free.  Today a few questions I have received about it for the last several weeks are answered. First, why is it free for the first year?  The main reason seems to be that Microsoft wants everyone using…

Windows 10

For a while now I have put off installing Windows 10 which also led to me not writing about it; however, this has now changed. I installed the "Windows 10 Insider Preview" several months ago and have been putting it through some paces. Windows 10 will be given away free to people who have a…

Decrapify Your Computer

Last week I mentioned a friend whose computer was struggling through a major malware and viral infection.  I had several readers write to ask, what was done to resolve it and even more importantly how to stop a reoccurrence of the same problems.  To resolve it I installed Avast! for antivirus protection and Malwarebytes to…