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As I said last week, I do not usually talk about what computer that people should get for Christmas, but last week I said I would share 10 things you need to evaluate when you do. Today I figure there is one more, so today; 11 things. I covered the first five last week; Need, OS, CPU, GPU, and RAM. Today I will wrap it up with the final six. So, sit back and take a few notes in the margins.

6. Storage: You will need some type of storage for your computer’s files, programs, and operating system. There are two main types of storage: Hard Disk Drives (HDD) and Solid-State Drives (SSD). Do not sweat it too much, as there will be at least one of these included on all new computers. Hard drives are less expensive than SSDs, but they are also slower. SSDs are pricier, but they are much faster. They both last a long time and I have one of each or a couple of computers I use. The SSDs can be much smaller, and they also generate very little to no heat. I am a supporter of both, but I use HDDs now mostly for backup.

SSD - Solid-State Drive  HHD - Hard Disk Drive

7. Screen size: The screen is your main way of interacting with your computer, so it is important to get one that is comfortable to use. Consider the size, resolution, and type of display (LCD or OLED) when choosing a screen. Keep in mind, the size is important on a laptop as well as a desktop. But new laptops today will allow you to add a secondary monitor so you can get a large one for that too. I have a fairly large 32” monitor for my desktop computer; however, sometimes I hook up my notebook to it when I need that amount of screen space.

32" Monitor8. Input: Along with the monitor, your keyboard and mouse are vital devices for your computer. With a desktop, you need both. With a laptop/notebook you do not need either, but I always use a mouse with a laptop. I can use the mouse pad, but I prefer a mouse. They are your primary input devices, so it is important to get ones that feel comfortable to use. There are many brands and shapes. There are wired and wireless. I much prefer wireless, but it is your call as to what you like most.

Dollar Sign9. Price: How about the price you are willing and able to pay? Computers can range in price from a few hundred dollars to several thousand dollars. It is important to set a budget before you start shopping so that you do not overspend. I have a computer that was on sale a year or so ago around this time of year, reduced from about $1,100 to $300. You, too, should look around this time of year and find some fantastic deals.

10. Warranty: All the reputable companies come with a warranty that covers defects in materials and workmanship anywhere from 90 days to a year, and some more. Read the warranty before you make a final decision.

Customer Service11. Support: Check reviews, friends, and family regarding the manufacturer’s customer care is a biggie when you purchase anything, including electronics. If you experience any problems with your computer, you will need to be able to get help from the manufacturer. Make sure to check the manufacturer’s customer support policies and competence before you buy a computer.

I hope that you consider these factors before purchasing a new computer, and most importantly, they help you.

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