For years now I have recommended and supported It is still good for your online/cloud file storage. It has a good free plan that starts with 2GB of storage. I feel that Dropbox is still good; however, they made a change recently that concerned me. (If I was not writing this for the public to view I would say, "a change that made me mad, angry or even hostile!")

I have been using the free version of for many years. I do not know the exact "when" I signed up but as a tester of all new applications online I was close to starting at the beginning. I installed it on every computer (work and home), phone, tablet that I worked with over the years. Many of these devices I no longer use or even have. I never had an issue reaching any of the files I needed while on a different device, until…

Last month my old Android phone took a nose dive and stopped working. If you care to know which one I purchased, email and ask. If there is enough interest I would be happy to talk about it in the upcoming weeks. I will say that I did not replace it with an iPhone.


As I was setting up my new phone I remembered to install Dropbox. I did so, then entered my username and password and then, BOING. A message stating that I had to uninstall Dropbox on all but two devices before I could install it on my new phone, which would make it number three. Are you kidding me? I started removing devices and realized I still needed it on about five devices which I could pay for…not me. I checked and found that Dropbox started this new limit on all free users in March 2019.  They also say that users with greater than three devices setup before March 2019 will be allowed to keep those devices connected. That is cool even if you are over the three device limit. However, if you add a new device it will not be permitted.

So I started researching for something new and better…without that limitation. I decided to try out Sync is very similar to Dropbox without the device limits and also 5GB of free storage. Also, according to many computer pros that have better ways to retrieve information than I, Sync is also more secure in protecting your files. I cannot prove or disprove that information so I will say they could be the same or one could be better for security.

Check below for a special link at the bottom of the page (or click the Sync Logo below) and you can get you (and I) an additional 1GB of free storage.

Get 1GB of extra storage from

I will say this; both are free, has no limit on the number of devices you can save your  files to and starts for free at 5GB. limits you to three devices and gives you 2GB for free.

One more interesting thing I found with Sync: You can save files that you may not need so often in their "Vault."  The vault allows you to add files that will only be available online and will not take up space on your hard drive. That means that it actually saves files, only in the Vault, online and not locally on your computer. This allows you to save hard drive space if you wish. So far I am using it on my phone, tablets and computers for a total of six devices with absolutely no issues or messages.

Special Link

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