I had an interesting email from Jim a couple of weeks ago regarding a column I wrote about my personal computer getting hit by malware.  He said that I mentioned Malwarbytes (malwarebytes.com) but he would like to know more about it.  Well as sometimes happens with emails like this I chuckle to myself and think, "Didn’t they read that when I talked about it a couple of months ago?"  Then I find the article on DoubleClicks.info and send the emailer a link.  That way the can read all about Malwarebytes or whatever else I have talked about.  To be honest I thought that about Jim too. 

Well, guess what?  After a search of my site and all of the columns I have written over the past 15 years I found something.  I found that I have never devoted an entire article to that great utility.  I have mentioned it seven times in passing but never gave it some of the attention it deserved.  So, that is my task today.

First, what is malware?  Malware is another one of those made-up techie words which is a mix of, "MALicious softWARE."  Malware is usually software that is downloaded to your computer that has been created to gain access for information or wreak havoc your computer without you being aware it has happened.  Until it is too late.  Malwarebytes does a great job of removing all of those problems. 

malwarebytesTo setup Malwarebytes you first go to the site and click the "Free Download" button.  Do not fear the cartoonish looking robot is the correct site.  Once it downloads you can go to that file named, "Mbam setup" and double click it as usual.  Then follow the setup instructions basically clicking, "Next" at each step.  You will be done shortly. A desktop icon will be created.  You can click the icon and from the Dashboard click, "Update now" if it does not have a green check mark next to it. Then, the big green, "Scan Now" button. 

You will have some to many items found.  I had not run it on a new computer for about six month, remembered about Malwarebytes and it found over 70 issues on my PC.  Now follow the directions, you can first quarantine all of the items then delete them.  You will then be much safer.  If you have more detailed questions which you very well may after this short run-through visit the site and the Support section.

Malwarebytes.comI suggest you run it every couple of weeks depending on how often you use your computer.  You run it again manually just as you did above.  You can buy the Premium version and it will run automatically in the background after your first manual run.  This is convenient but may not be worth the $25 a year to you. 

Yes, after my past difficulties that I had and thinking things over I even paid for the Premium version of Malwarebytes.  Those of you that follow me realize I do not do that very often.  It is that good.  OK, I also wanted to see the differences between it and the free version, which I will discuss in a future feature.

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