
What do all the following require…

if you have an account with them; email, online banking, Facebook, Instagram, Amazon, or any other site? This includes your newspaper account at the DNR and your free classes at GrayHaired.Tech. Of course, several things. First, a website to go to, next a username, and finally a password. Sites and usernames are not usually too hard to remember. Especially, usernames which many times are your email address.

Now, we all know you are supposed to have a different password for every website you visit. I personally visit hundreds of sites from time-to-time and am responsible for my work passwords. What the heck am I supposed to do with hundreds of passwords which are supposed to be unique for each site…in my head!?


do what some people I have encountered over the years do. They write them on a piece of paper shrewdly hidden under their keyboards. By-the-way, that is the first place a nefarious person looks. I also do not recommend creating a text document, spreadsheet, etc. with password protection since these are not too secure.

About ten years ago I wrote about various ways to keep your bazillions of passwords safe. I was not fond of LastPass in my comments. Four or five years ago I wrote about LastPass as my opinion started to change. LastPass is an excellent username/password saver that remembers all your passwords across every device for free! As with most applications they have a paid pro version which does more than the free version. In my opinion, the free version is great. I use it exclusively now and have grown accustomed to it.

Visit LastPass, affliiate
Visit LastPass


puts your password information on its servers but that database is protected by your password and keys only you and your computer have. This is a very safe combination in that if your account was hacked at LastPass in the cloud, the hackers would still not have the information they need to get in. That would have to come from you.

LastPass’s online storage enables you to access your passwords online from any location on any computerized device. This makes it incredibly easy to use anywhere. LastPass has many features and one I like is that it can set up an incredibly difficult password for you on a new site that you do not need to remember. LastPass will autofill the login for you as long as you have first logged into LastPass. It will save all of your usernames and passwords for you when you visit sites and automatically log you in.

Another good thing

in its favor is if you have five Gmail accounts, ten Yahoo accounts, and any number of other accounts, it will remember them individually and let you log in to the correct one with the appropriate password. Automatically or with just a click of the mouse.

Free or Premium

does not matter; this app will let you be much more secure online. It will allow you to create a variety of passwords (which LastPass can even create for you) so that you are not using the same password for everything. Come on, you know you are doing that since we cannot possibly remember a bazillion of them.

To learn more

and how to use it, check their site here:

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