Chrome vs Edge

As someone who primarily uses Google products, I never expected to recommend a Microsoft browser. However, the recent version of their browser, Edge, is, in my opinion, nearly as efficient as Chrome. It is not quite there yet, but it is pretty impressive, considering the recent updates and modifications.

Google Products
Google Products

For instance, both browsers utilize the identical rendering engine (Chromium) and share comparable features like tabbed browsing and compatibility with every extension I use. Along with most other extensions, so I have heard. Edge syncs effortlessly with Microsoft services such as OneDrive and Office 365, just as Chrome interacts seamlessly with all Google products.

EdgeIf you are currently using, or want to experiment with Edge, it is likely pre-installed on your Windows PC. Unless you have not been keeping your Windows updated. If that is the case, it is high time you updated it. You are not required to upgrade to Windows 11 at this moment, but make sure that your Windows 10 is updated to its most recent version. Keep in mind that Windows 10 support will cease after October 14, 2025.

Several features, including the Reading mode and “Read out loud” options, are available on both Edge and Google Chrome. The Reading mode simplifies the layout of articles for easy reading by removing unneeded formatting, most, if not all ads.

The system also includes an integrated PDF viewer, enabling you to view and comment on PDF files without needing any extra software installation. Naturally, this only applies if the PDF file is not safeguarded against editing by a password.

The “sidebar search” feature on Edge allows you to conduct a web search without having to navigate away from the page you are currently on. It opens a column on the right-hand side displaying your search results, this allows the original page you were viewing to remain visible.

Although Chrome is my go-to browser, I must admit that Edge is equally competent, and I use it on occasion, more frequently than I have in many years.

The feature, “Copy link to highlight“, is just as extraordinary as it sounds and can be utilized in both browsers. It is frequently used by me, to assist friends, family, and those who send me their inquiries.  Although I did not plan on spotlighting this function, it is exceptional and only accessible with the Edge and Chrome browsers at this time.

Copy to highlight link
Copy to highlight link
(Click this graphic to see how the link works.)

The feature known as “Copy link to highlight” lets you generate a link that can be shared and leads directly to a particular highlighted segment of text on a web page. This link can be shared with anyone. Simply select the text you wish to share on a web page. Then, right-click the selected text and choose “Copy link to highlight“. You can then insert this link into an email, chat, website, or any other platform. When the recipient clicks on the link received, they will end up on the specific web page, and the text will be highlighted for them to view.

Copy to highlight link, Result
Copy to highlight link, Result

For more information on Edge’s capabilities, visit

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