Do you have a million important bookmarks in your favorite browser? How about a hundred or more you have collected over the past few months/years that you “need” to read when you get the time?

If you are like me you do and you never have found that extra hour to read them. Those vital “reads” are forgotten and just take up another spot in your bookmarks. Well, I cannot do much about the time you have but I do have a free site that may at least help you clean up your bookmarks. It will definitely give you the ability to organize and clean up your bookmarks.

Speaking of important bookmarks – have you ever saved a good bookmark knowing you can go back later and check it out? When you go back to visit the site from your bookmarks the site has disappeared. Oops.

If any of this pertains to you I want to introduce you to, “iCyte” which is an efficient free online program. If you use Firefox 3, Internet Explorer 7 or higher, Google Chrome or Safari, iCyte can work in your favor. You can still get to your saved sites on iCyte from any other browser but you will not get all the benefits of the program.image

Once you install iCyte on your browser and surf the net, just click the “Create Cyte” button  in your browser. iCyte will present you with a window for tagging the site, putting it in a project or adding any notes to the site.

A Project is just a category name that you set up allowing you to keep all of your related information together. Whenever you need to go back to the site, click the “View Cytes” button and you will see all of the sites you have saved, by Project.

If the original site disappears that isn’t an issue since iCyte saves those sites on the iCyte server. This means that the sites are there for you to read with clickable links from the original site page, whether the original site is “live” or not.

You can also highlight text in a site with your mouse by right clicking the text and choosing, “Create Cyte”. That green highlighted text will easily attract your attention in iCyte when you view it. That way you can quickly find the pertinent information you need later.

If you are working on a team research project you can make an iCyte project “Public” so that the team can see it and add to it if needed. Public projects allow RSS feeds and they enable you to share with social networking sites like Facebook, Twitter and many others. This little application offers many other features. If it sounds useful to you, try it out.

I have used many other similarly featured apps like Instapaper, Delicious, etc. This is currently the best by far in my opinion.

Now, someone is welcome to tell me how to get more time to do the reading.

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