Several weeks ago I wrote about a few tips for Gmail and by the number of emails I received, it appears that you would like more. So today, let’s talk about another Google product that has recently made some new innovations. 

As you may have heard, Google purchased a little app you may have heard of before called, "Waze."  As a matter of fact, it was in 2013 Google purchased the "little" Israeli map app.

If you have a smartphone and drive out of your local area needing directions you should use this or one other mapping/traffic program. In my opinion, they make traveling a simpler endeavor.  The other app is, of course, another Google-owned application called "Google Maps" also known as "Maps." Maps is quite popular too, recording over five billion downloads on Android devices only as of March 2019.

Now, if you have read my previous articles regarding these apps you know that I have said they both have great features. However, I have noted that they have different feature sets and do different things.

Google Maps IconGoogle has now taken a few of the traffic features found in Waze and moved them over to Google Maps. It has been my thinking since 2013, that they should do away with one of them and fully enable the other with everything available. Thankfully it looks like they may be starting the process.

For the last couple of months, Google has been and continues adding to Maps. Here are a few of the more recent additions. 

  • It now will alert you with a highlight of speed cameras as you draw near to them. 
  • There is a new "Commute" button you can click (if you have entered in your Home and Work address previously) which will let you know if your travels will be at a normal time or delayed. The commute information will also direct you to another route if it will get you there more quickly than your normal way.
  • Have you ever wandered around a parking lot trying to remember where you parked? Come on admit it, you have. With Maps after you park, tap on the blue location dot and select "Save your parking." This adds a label that you can add a few details to if you wish. You may also send your parking location to others as well as your location at any time if you wish. 
  • You also now have speed limits shown and your current speed next to it. I have found that it is not quite up-to-speed yet (yeah, that was on purpose) as it does not have all roads limits in yet, but it is improving.
  • The last one I have room to mention is like Waze.  You may now post your local traffic conditions, police locations, accidents, etc. that could slow down traffic. That is also put on other people’s maps in that area so they can be aware. Also, Google Maps will try to reroute you around areas of delay it believes will help you arrive at your destination more quickly.

To learn more about Google Maps go to "" and, as always caps count in that link.

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