Google 030

Google 030
How to” with the new and improved Google Meet. Find out what’s next at GrayHaired.Tech and more free classes

      • New Features of Google Meet
      • Google Meet Video, Google 20, “How Baby Boomers can use Google Hangouts/Meet” click here to view it,
      • Visit Google Meet directly:
      • Pandemic extras for Meet through September
      • Gmail – Start a Meeting & Join a Meeting
      • Start a meeting
      • Who is speaking
      • Captioning your meetings
      • Present your data to meeting
      • Chatting
      • Schedule a meeting
      • Join a meeting
      • Cancel a meeting
      • The end of our Google Classes but what is our next class for Gray Haired Tech?


Extra Information not originally planned

      • Organizing your open apps/windows


Clipboard History

      • Regular Copy and Paste
      • Setting up the Clipboard History (Settings)
      • Windows Key + V
      • Maximum Graphic Size, 4 MB
      • Delete, Pin, Clear All
      • Windows 10 Classes are Next!

Gray Haired Tech Site

Don’t forget to visit the Gray Haired Tech Google Group to ask questions and help start the discussions:!forum/gray-haired-tech

Google 029

Google 029

    • Welcome
    • Short Discussion
    • Setup Gmail First
    • Check to Make Sure it is Set
    • Start Outlook 2016
    • Start the Setup, the easy way
    • Test Message
    • Remove an old account (not necessary but you can see how)
    • Setup Incoming and Outgoing Servers if Required
    • Good Bye for now

Don’t forget
to visit the Gray Haired Tech Google Group at!forum/gray-haired-tech to ask and answer questions!

Google 028

Google 028

      • Welcome
      • Login into Google Voice
      • Intro
      • Dual Authentication
      • Choose your area code
      • Why use Google Voice?
      • Choose a number
      • Verify your number
      • Oops, but I expected this
      • Desktop View
      • Showing a real call
      • Transcription of Voicemail
      • Almost perfect transcriptions
      • Enter people to call
      • Goodbye my friends!

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