Gmail Extras, Part 10, Pluses and Periods

I hope you were one of the many that took part in the contest last week. I had quite a few entries that figured out the “correct” way to take part. So, thanks and congratulations to you all for solving and entering.

First, how could you enter with the clues given last week? I mentioned a site in the first sentence, “…RD Bagpipes, (” That is a fake site I created for this contest and training to come in the future. I also warned everyone at the end, “Do not email or call me.” All you needed to do was to visit the fake site, RD Bagpipes, and click the link labeled, “No money easy Contest.” It would then give you a form to fill out to win. The prize is a mention of the winner here and on WSVA, Monday, June 20 from 9 to 10 am on the radio show.

I said I would choose the winner from the third person to respond. So, congratulations here to our winner, “Stephanie” at g*** I hope you have a great week and thanks for entering! Listen in on the 20th, to hear when Jim and/or I mention you again.

Also, a little bookkeeping, since a reader brought it to my attention a couple of weeks ago. I will reference their problem with me and the solution here, Thanks for asking about it and email anytime. Check out that link and see what their question regarded…

Now, on to more Gmail Extras. Did you know you can use the plus symbol with Gmail as a benefit to you? Say your email address is “” You want to sign up at your local library but want to have a more distinguishable email address for your communications with the library. Add a plus symbol “+” and any combination of words or numbers after your email address and before the “@” sign. Like this, Use that address for your library card.

Emails to that address, will be sent directly to your regular Gmail Inbox. You will know where it came from. Also, you may keep track of other things like that. Say when you sign up for retail sites online, sign up by creating, and then if they sell your address to someone else you will know who sold it to them.

You may also choose to add a dot, “.”, period anywhere in your email address before the “@” to create a new email address. I have never found a use for this and Gmail says that they have no effect on your email so is the same as the one above and will be delivered to your inbox. Why? I do not know, but you can do it if you want to, as Gmail does not recognize period(s) in your address.

Since you are a Gmail user, as you must be if you are still reading this series of articles, next week I have more for you! I guarantee I will give you some help that you will find very helpful in helping you during the day. This is whether you use Gmail for business or personally. Searches are coming and you may not believe what Google offers you for your email.

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