The folks at Google are at it again. They recently added a new, very beneficial feature to Gmail. I thought it may interest you Gmail users as it definitely did me. It is referred to as, “Schedule Send.” From the name I have referred to it as above, you may be able to figure out what it does. It will allow you to send an email at a future date and time. Some of you may ask, “Why?”

The “why” for me is mainly related to work and church. At work, I have meetings scheduled all through the week. With this new feature, I can set up email reminders to go out automatically when I choose for them to be sent. It saves me time and last-minute rushes to get things out on time. When I have some free time, I can look through my multiple daily meetings and prepare the emails with information for others and reminders to meet so they will not forget or anything else.

At church I am in a group where I schedule times to meet. I have gone through this morning and set email reminders to go out for the entire summer for different dates and times. That covers six emails going to eight people in a five-minute period to be sent on time over three months. I know me and if I had to do them on time manually…I would forget the emails and if not, I would rush to get them out and forget a person too. Not really on that last part since I have them as a “Group” in Gmail so I just type that name in and they are all entered. Maybe more on that another time if you let me know you are interested.

So how do you use it? Easy, type your email in Gmail as you normally do. Then before you send it, look to the SEND button. Notice to the right side of the button there is a down arrow. Click the arrow. Choose “Schedule send” then either select a date and time that has been prefilled for you or select your own date and enter the time you wish to send the email. Check out the video below for a quick walkthrough or Scheduled Send.

I have used it successfully many times over the past month or so with never a failure. You may not have noticed the arrow next to send; however, they started rolling it out on some sort of schedule on April 1, 2019. The stated that they had mostly finished giving it to everyone by the end of that month. You may also have a new folder pop up when you send an email this way. It is called, “Scheduled” where your scheduled email is held until it is sent. If you wish to stop that email from sending, go to the Scheduled folder, click the email and choose not to send later. The email will be moved to your Draft folder where you may delete it or edit and send now or later.

This is a very efficient addition to Gmail and I appreciate it. Try it out and see what you think.

Also, this is one of my first videos so if you have suggestions PLEASE make them. I would really appreciate them! 

I did not mention it but you can just shut down Gmail after you finish and since it is an online
service it will send the email in the future…whether you are there or not

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