How may I help

I know that we have all been where Tracey was when she wrote to me a few weeks ago? She wondered if there were better ways to contact a company for help, other than being stuck on hold music for an hour. You need to contact a business about a return, a question, a problem or whatever. Where do you start? Do you find the phone number on your bill and start punching numbers or speaking to the phone and it does not understand your response? You may bounce around hold music several times before finding the correct person. Do you keep pressing numbers on your phone and end up at the wrong place? There must be a more direct way.Press 1 for...My advice for an easier way is to use “Get Human” at You will be amazed, as I have been many times, at how much help it is.

Click here to visit is a website that helps individuals seeking customer service support in every online area available for most companies. The website provides information and tools that help customers connect with company representatives and resolve their issues quickly and efficiently.

For some background, was founded in 2005 by Paul English and a team of developers. The website was created to provide customers with a better way to navigate customer service issues with companies. I was told that at one time they had a paid version, but I have not experienced that in the couple of years I have been using their services. The site says, “Using our Service is free. However, we happily accept tips or donations to improve our Service.” You do not need to; however, I log in with my phone number. I figure I will get the latest info from them regarding changes, etc. covers a wide range of companies, including airlines, cable and internet providers, banks, credit card companies, and more. The website is constantly updating its database to ensure that customers have the most up-to-date information available. Each company may provide different support.

They give a lot of help with phone numbers. GetHuman provides a database of phone numbers for hundreds of companies. Some numbers they have you may not be able to find anywhere else. Customers can use this information to call a company directly and speak with a representative. Many times, GH will provide you with the series of numbers you need to press to get there without having to listen to questions.

GH may offer step-by-step guides to help customers solve common problems they may encounter while interacting with companies. These guides include information on how to cancel a subscription, change an address, or file a complaint.

My favoritego to” area is chat and email support. Some companies offer those and then GH provides information on how to access these services.

HelloMany times, GH offers a service which allows you to skip waiting on hold. Once a representative is available, the website will call the customer back and connect them with the representative. Another is you may choose to enter your phone number and reason for calling a company and they will call you back. That was very useful to me when a company which I needed to speak with had a 42-minute hold. I entered my phone number, and they called me back in about 25 minutes. I did not have to listen to any hold music, and they were ready to help with my specific issue.

Overall, can be a helpful resource for individuals looking to navigate customer service issues with various companies. The website provides information and tools to help customers connect with representatives and resolve their issues efficiently.

Look below at a sample of what you get from Get Human’s Amazon contact page. To me, it is amazing. 

GetHuman, Amazon page. Click here and visit the Amazon page, Amazon page

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