You know over the years I have been asked why I do not write about games that I like to play. There are a couple of reasons. One is that I do not have a lot of time to play games often and when I do I stick to my two or three favorites. Another reason is that my favorite games are most likely boring to people; however, today I will come out of my shell.

My favorite game is…are you ready? Backgammon. The version I like the best is made by AI Factory Limited for Android and here is the link if you wish to try it out, I have written to and read responses from the developer and although I do fairly well in the advanced mode, it sometimes cheats. All the links are capitalization specific so type them carefully or visit my site and just click them. This is a five-minute diversion but I like it even though it cheats.

Backgammon by AI Factory Limited

CanastaNext for from the Google Store is the card game Canasta found at I love to play this game with friends and relatives and also enjoy this one on my phone and tablet. I believe this one is also available by Karman Games for iPhones. I also do not believe it cheats, see what you think after you play it a few times. Figure you will spend 5-10 minutes on a game to 500.

One of Ron's Golf Clash shotsNow, my true addiction. Which means while at home after work or maybe on the weekend if I have a spare 30+ minutes (quite infrequent for me). It is the hugely popular “Golf Clash” by Playdemic. I will not even supply a link as it is available on every platform so Google it. It is even playable on Facebook. The graphics are amazing, the play is ever changing, sometimes challenging and you play against other people, not a computer. If you sign up with your Facebook account you can even play against your online FB Friends. Although, I am not a big fan of FB I would use it if only to play Golf Clash against some of my buddies occasionally. I am no longer an actual golfer. I was for years but have not played but once in probably 15 years. But I really like this game. Is it perfect no but is it an enjoyable waste of ten minutes to play a hole, unequivocally! If you are a friend of mine on FB and I see you I will play you a time or two – but you better practice first, muhaha! I have even played my nephew Tim stationed in Japan a time or two.

The following two or sort of related and sort of not.

Years ago my wife and I were big-time GeoCachers which was a lot of fun. I had over 150 finds. But I have gotten out of that habit. If you have never heard about it or wonder what it is, check it out at I always referred to it as, “How to get a Geek outdoors.”

The last one I will mention, which for me causes pure and ultimate frustration. However, the sicko in me still hits the site, is Enough said, other than I dare you to try it and see if like me you can at least get in the correct county; occasionally.

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