Everything logo

Everything for Windows logoI mentioned “Everything for Windows” in one of the “Sites in Review” series a couple of weeks ago. A reader emailed and said, “Ron, I cannot find your article from 2023 about ‘Everything.’” She continued, “Could you shoot me a copy of it?” Well, of course, I would email her a copy. However, after checking my files, I realized I never published that one when I planned to. OOPS! So, today, we will take a look at Everything for Windows.

This is a delightful change from Windows File Search, which can take a long time depending on the search criteria. Everything finds the same files; however, in seconds most times and not minutes. I highly recommend it.

Everything for Windows is an exceptional alternative to the built-in Windows search. It is faster, more powerful, and more flexible. If you are looking for a better way to search your hard drive, I highly recommend Everything.

It is a completely free, very fast (yes, I said that before, so read on for more on that), and lightweight file search tool for Windows. It is designed to be very, very quick, even on large hard drives. Everything uses a unique indexing technology that allows it to search your entire hard drive in a matter of seconds, or less, in my experience.

To use Everything, first go to, voidtools.com to download the correct file for your computer. Most modern computers will use the 64-bit version. Once installed, open the program by clicking on the Everything icon, which is an orange magnifying glass. Now all you have to do is type in the name of the file you are looking for. Everything will instantly display a list of all matching files, including the path to the file. You can also use Everything to search for files by type, size, or date.

Everything Download Screen
Everything Download Screen

If you need to get instructions on more details, go to the same site where it is downloaded and click on the “FAQ” tab. It will give you great information on how to use it better, giving you more advantages. You may also use this link: voidtools.com/faq.

Here are a couple of examples from my computer that I just ran to demonstrate Everything’s capabilities.

I searched for the word “crazy” with Windows Search and then with Everything. Windows searched my entire C drive and found seven results in about a minute. Everything found 21 results in less than a second; however, it also searched my C drive (1TB) and my N drive (a backup drive that is a large 3TB).

Next, I searched for “Part 2.” Everything immediately found 1,147 files. Windows search found 15 and was still churning away five minutes later. See what I meant earlier about fast?

Windows Search after a minute or so
Everything for Windows Search in less than 1 second

While powerful, Everything’s level of detail can be overwhelming for casual users. This is due to the sometimes vast number of results you will get. Windows Search still serves well for basic tasks. However, for those seeking to navigate the depths of their digital landscape with speed and precision, Everything offers an undeniably superior experience.

In essence, Everything for Windows is not just a search tool; it’s a productivity enhancer, an information oracle, and a testament to the power of customized digital experiences.

I hope this expanded explanation sheds even more light on Everything for Windows! Don’t hesitate to ask if you have any further questions about navigating Everything.

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