When I started to ponder writing about email this week I thought, “This will be short and sweet.”  After I started to think more about it I found that it will be neither.  This simple email topic has turned into a series about my love/hate relationship with email, which I know many of you share.

Most likely you have at least one email address.  If you do not have one skip to the comics as this will probably make no sense to you.

This time I would like to discuss some of the good things we get from email.  First, it is very accessible and easy to use.  If you have an internet connection you can easily get to it. You do not have to wait to receive it or go to a mailbox and check to see if it is delivered yet.  It is pretty much instant, within a few seconds, since once it is sent the recipient has it too.

You can also send more than just information.  For instance, my wife and I went out of the country not too long ago.  We were told to take copies of our passports and itinerary with us just in case ours were lost/stolen.  I took a picture of them and emailed them to both of our own email accounts.  They could be accessed from phone or computer if needed.  Fortunately, they were not needed.  You can send most any type of file via email which is quite convenient.

It allows you to store documentation and information for future use.  We are currently having a flooded kitchen restored thanks to the leaky dishwasher while on that vacation.  I have a collection of all pictures, prices, contracts, insurance company interactions and everything else related to this in one folder using my email.  For me this is an excellent use of email, storage of needed information.  I also store all of my licenses for software, user manuals, and warrantees there.


If you are in the work place today you have a business account too.  Therefore, you can keep all of this documentation separate but also at your fingertips.  If like me you have a couple of personal accounts too, one for friends and family, one for online purchases and one for using when you know you will get spammed by signing up for something.  That is more convenient for me; although, you may not appreciate multiple accounts.  That is fine but if you want more they are free and easy to obtain.

If you wake up in the middle of the night and think of something you need to tell someone you can create and send them an email in minutes.  At the same time, what if you think of something you need to remind yourself of? Shoot yourself an email for tomorrow.  It is available 365/24/7, all the time.

If you get an email from someone that makes you angry or upsets you, you can write them and blast them!  But with email, have a little self-control.  Write it now but wait until you cool down to have it sent.  You would be wise to calm down and reconsider what you are saying after you have thought through the issue with a clearer head.

Finally, for today, how about reaching out to customer service?  Years ago, it would take weeks of back and forth snail mail to get your order straight or your warrantee work taken care of.  Now you can do it in a day or so…with reputable companies.

Next week, the negatives.

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