Last week I wrote about the introduction to my new endeavor You can use this link to check that article out if you missed it: Be careful if you type it in your browser, there are no spaces and Capitalization counts.

But, back to the topic. The response was excellent. Many people signed up for the Site and then many of those came to class. They all seemed to be very appreciative of what was presented. I will be presenting the same seminar, "Online Safety for Seniors" next week on Tuesday, August 7th. Go to the site and register at the site if you are interested in attending.

Learning can be fun

I was asked to do two things in this week’s column. One was the price which is on the site but not in that last article. It will be $40 for two hours of learning and fun. I always provide time for questions and answers at the end. Last week some people did not leave until 45 minutes after the two hours. That is fine with me since I love it as much as you.

The second topic was to write about some of the things you will be learning in this specific seminar. So here you go. We start off looking at where you need to be safe online. Basically, the answer is everywhere and all the time.

We look at the basics of backing up and saving your most important files. There are several very good choices for how and where to save them. This includes everyone’s favorite; photos. If you have a bazillion photos you want to keep I will advise you where to save them online with an unlimited amount of pictures. If you read my articles at the DN-R or hear me on WSVA you know I do not like spending money so I always advise people about the free options along with some that could cost you…a little.

I think one of the most interesting and dangerous areas of being online is email. If you are careful with your email you should be fine; however, be very careful. I review many examples of what to watch for in "nefarious" emails (sorry I like to use that word every now and then). We also learn how to deal with emails in which you are unsure of their intentions. Then we look at links, especially those you get in emails. How do you know if they may be taking you to good or bad places on the web?

The last little item I will tell you about I like and everyone else does, too. I imagine you and everyone else in the world hates passwords. Especially all the cumbersome rules. I will teach you how to create passwords that are over twenty characters in length and are virtually unhackable. And most importantly, easy for you to remember.

For now, all I can suggest is that you visit and sign up for a class to see what you may have been missing. Next week we will get back to regular articles that I hope will also help you from here.

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