I mentioned on the WSVA Radio Show last week, and yesterday with Beth Bland from VPAS (Valley Program for Aging Services), regarding my new endeavor.  I feel that is it now time to bring it to my readers.

Over the past 17 years, I have written about technology here at the DNR and many other places, including some for Microsoft. I have had the radio show, with Jim Britt, for nearly nine years. Always giving advice and information about the tech-world. I have received large numbers of emails literally from all over the globe. I personally answer every email and love hearing from you. So, beginning last week I have started a new site called, “Double Clicks Live, Tech for people intimidated by IT” (doubleclickslive.com). This is my base of operations to share my knowledge and experience with you in person. Not online from the site, but in many areas throughout the reading and listening areas.

Go to DoubleClicksLive.com where you will be able to see the classes that I will be offering from time-to-time to help you navigate this world where you may be unfamiliar. The class that I am currently presenting is titled, “Online Safety for Seniors.”


Now, two things to mention regarding the title. First, I have designed all of my classes with Seniors in mind; yes, you know who you are. I am one of you which I am defining as basically over 50 and may not know as much as your kids and grandkids about “things.” You may be tired of asking for their help. I want to help you learn and use more.

The second thing is that you do not have to be in the “Senior” category to participate. The sessions will always be open for everyone of any age. Anyone will receive a benefit, especially with this first class. If you think you could use help, sign up.

I will be running the course this week at the Harrisonburg-Rockingham County Chamber of Commerce meeting room on Friday, July 27th. The time is from 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm. There is a small cost for the two-hour session and you will learn what to watch for and how to be safer online. It does not matter whether you are using a computer, tablet or smartphone, I will cover them all.

All the information you need is on the site and keep in mind to be able to actually sign up for a class you must first register on the site. To do that, all you need is an email address that you can access to be able to set up your own password.

Since this training session is for people that may not be acquainted with online registrations reach out to me if you have any problems. You can to that by clicking the “Contact Ron” link on the site.

For this class all you will need is you. I will provide you with pens, paper and some notes to take home with you afterward. The class last week was quite successful and the participants told me that it was very informative, helpful and worth the investment. Two last things; there will be time for questions and there is NO test other than life.

Sign up before the 12 available seats are gone. I really look forward to meeting you Friday…LIVE!

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